Delhi youngsters who hopped theatres in the hopes of catching James Franco-Freida Pinto starrer Rise of the Planet of the Apes, were left disappointed. The film, which is number one on international charts and opened to an estimated $54 million in North America, didn’t make it to India’s
multiplexes. The reason: multiplex owners and distributors are at loggerheads over the sharing of revenue, a problem that began back in 2009.
According to an MoU signed that year, the revenue sharing between distributors and multiplexes was 50:50 in the first week, which would then be reduced to 42.5%, 37.5% and 30% in the second, third and fourth weeks respectively.
Source : Hindustan Times
multiplexes. The reason: multiplex owners and distributors are at loggerheads over the sharing of revenue, a problem that began back in 2009.
According to an MoU signed that year, the revenue sharing between distributors and multiplexes was 50:50 in the first week, which would then be reduced to 42.5%, 37.5% and 30% in the second, third and fourth weeks respectively.
Source : Hindustan Times